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        日期:2024-03-06   來源:http://www.scinice.com/


        1: Proper use of excavators


        Firstly, we need to use the excavator correctly to prevent the track from loosening during use. When using an excavator, be careful not to be too impatient. Excessive high-speed driving and sharp turns can cause damage to the tracks, leading to track loosening. Therefore, we should use excavators as smoothly as possible.


        2: Timely cleaning of track "shoes"



        The shoes on the track can easily bring in soil and stones during use. These soil and stones will get stuck on the tracks, causing them to loosen. Therefore, we need to clean each "shoe" in a timely manner before each use of the excavator to prevent these small stones and soil from getting stuck in the tracks and causing them to loosen.


        3: Regular maintenance of tracks


        Crawlers are one of the important components of excavators, and we should regularly maintain and inspect them. During the inspection process, we should carefully check the condition of the tracks to ensure that there are no problems with the tracks. If any damage or other problems are found on the track, it should be repaired and replaced in a timely manner.


        4: Increase the tension of the track


        During the use of excavators, we can also increase the tension of the tracks, which can effectively prevent them from loosening. It should be noted that when increasing the tension of the track, we cannot overtension it to avoid unnecessary damage to the track.


        This article is supported by an extended arm excavator. For more detailed and exciting content, please click on our website http://www.scinice.com We will wholeheartedly provide you with satisfactory service.

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