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        日期:2024-03-22   來源:http://www.scinice.com/


        In construction engineering, the long arm excavator is a commonly used equipment, and its rental cost calculation method is relatively complex. This article will provide a detailed introduction to how to calculate the cost of renting a long arm excavator based on the rental duration, helping you better understand this field.


        1、 Composition of rental fees for long arm excavators


        Equipment rental fee: This is a basic cost determined based on factors such as the model, brand, and degree of newness of the equipment.


        Operator salary: If an operator is required, this cost also needs to be considered.



        Transportation cost: If the equipment needs to be transported to the construction site, the transportation cost also needs to be calculated.


        Maintenance and repair costs: The equipment needs regular maintenance and repair during use, which is also a cost.


        2、 Calculate fees based on rental duration


        The rental cost of a long arm excavator is usually calculated based on its usage time. Generally speaking, the longer the usage time, the higher the cost. The specific calculation method is as follows:


        Determine the lease term: Based on the needs of the project, determine the lease term of the equipment, usually in days.


        Determine daily rent: Determine daily rent based on factors such as equipment model, brand, and level of newness.


        Calculate total rent: Multiply the daily rent by the lease term to obtain the total rent.


        It should be noted that different models, brands, and levels of old and new long arm excavators can all affect the level of rent. Therefore, when choosing a long arm excavator for rental, it is necessary to choose the appropriate equipment model and brand based on the project needs and budget situation, in order to reduce rental costs.

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