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        日期:2024-04-08   來源:http://www.scinice.com/


        With the accelerating pace of social development and the increasing pace of urban construction, the demand for renting long arm excavators is also constantly increasing. However, there are not many people who know how to maintain them, especially when the oil is contaminated, it can cause many hazards.


        1、 The main reason for oil contamination is the blockage of hydraulic components. Contaminants are also the most likely to block the oil in and out of hydraulic components or penetrate into the gaps, causing operational failures and affecting actual performance. In severe cases, it can also lead to safety accidents. The most common one is blockage in the use of the filter screen, which can also lead to the loss of actual use function of the filter screen, greatly reducing the filtering effect. This can also cause long-term contamination of hydraulic oil in the hydraulic system, causing many problems.



        2、 The contamination of oil can easily affect the problem of excessive wear of components. The particles of pollutants inside the hydraulic cylinder can easily cause the surface of the cylinder to be scratched, which will later spread to the sealing components. The aging rate will accelerate, and the problem of leakage will continue to increase. In use, it will be obvious that the thrust of the long arm excavator is not as good as before, and the operating speed will also decrease significantly. Abnormal noise pollution may even occur during operation, seriously affecting the stability performance of the system.


        3、 After the oil is contaminated, it will also accelerate the deterioration rate of the oil, and pollutant particles will exist inside for a long time. Even if new oil is replaced in the future, the new oil will be contaminated, and the service life of the long arm excavator will still rapidly decline.


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